How can we test without using our production domain name?

I was testing my server setup by using an domain, and it was working, but eventually the let’s encrypt client complained that I’d made too many requests for

Then I tried to test using my AWS Public DNS, but let’s encrypt forbids AWS domain names.

So bloody hell, how am I supposed to test my whole server setup with let’s encrypt without taking down my production server so I can use my production domain name?

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Nevermind, I found the info about using the staging environment:

Might be good to put this link in the various certbot quickstart docs like Anyone who’s just getting started will probably need to know about the staging env at some point.

without taking down my production server so I can use my production domain name?

aside from using Staging, you can also just proxy the /.well-known directory to letsencrypt running on another port. it's not clear that one can do that, but it's possible. another alternative is to use url redirects (acme will follow it)


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