3v-Hosting (https://3v-host.com/) is a webhosting company from Ukraine and we support Let's Encrypt (cPanel Addon) in all of our Server Products. Please add us to your list "Web Hosting who support Lets Encrypt".
Thank you and have a nice day!
3v-Hosting (https://3v-host.com/) is a webhosting company from Ukraine and we support Let's Encrypt (cPanel Addon) in all of our Server Products. Please add us to your list "Web Hosting who support Lets Encrypt".
Thank you and have a nice day!
I don't think that thread is still in use, please see the first post:
Or did you have a different list in mind? If so please provide details with which list you meant.
Try posting on this other topic:
The post you've linked says
"This is a dedicated topic for requesting or proposing additions and changes to the list at"
But should actually say:
"This iswas a dedicated topic for requesting or proposing additions and changes to thea now defunct list at"
as it links directly to the now discontinued list already posted above.
Because the topic is NOT closed; And the last entry was only 6 months ago.
[ I don't make the rules - I just break em! ]
I'm not psychic.
If it should say that, then it should say that.
Unless the topic is closed...???
Then there is nowhere for such an entry to be added
But as long as it accepts posts, then that is where they should post.
[and the answer to the topic question]
Certbots website also hosts a list:
One could open an issue on the Certbot website repository at GitHub - certbot/website: The code for the Certbot instruction generator and documentation or perhaps make a PR to the hosting provider list at website/_data/hosting_providers.json at master · certbot/website · GitHub.
Personally I would not conclude such a thing to be honest. The fact that something is technically possible doesn't mean it's also a good choice.
I'm going to close the other thread on account of the discontinuation of the list.
@3vManager Thank you for your support of Let's Encrypt. It appears that the community is no longer updating that list because Let's Encrypt support has become sufficiently common now.
This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.