How can I renew the certificate when 80 and 443 ports are blocked?

The provider temporarily blocked 80 and 443 ports.
How can I update the certificate?

You can renew using the DNS challenge.

If it’s only temporary, you can issue the certificate manually:

certbot certonly -a manual --preferred-challenges dns -d
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The problem is that it is not yet clear when the ports are unlocked, the provider initially said two weeks, but more than a month has passed.
And all due to the fact that they found a vulnerability in the routers that the provider provides, and the only thing they thought of was to simply block access to them from outside. And this is the main provider of the country of Kazakhstan to be more precise.
Now my site works on 82 and 8443 ports

Oh, the VPNFilter thing, huh. That’s a bummer.

In any case, you’ll need to use the DNS challenge if you wish to continue issuing Let’s Encrypt certificates.

Whether this can be automated depends on where your domains’ nameservers are hosted.


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