Google Claims my Lets Encrypt SSL certificate is self issued

Google search console sent me an email claiming my lets encrypt SSL certificate installed on the google cloud platform is self issued. How do i fix this?

What exactly did the Google message say?

The site looks fine to me. :confused:

Probablly a SNI issue.

Message type: [WNC-606601]
Search Console
Self signed SSL/TLS certificate for

To: Webmaster of

Google has detected that the SSL/TLS certificate used on is self-signed, which means that it was issued by your server rather than by a Certificate Authority. Because only Certificate Authorities are considered trusted sources for SSL/TLS certificates, your certificate cannot be trusted by most of the browsers. In addition, a self-signed certificate means that your content is not authenticated, it can be modified, and your user’s data or browsing behavior can be intercepted by a third-party. As a result, many web browsers will block users by displaying a security warning message when your site is accessed. This is done to protect users’ browsing behavior from being intercepted by a third party, which can happen on sites that are not secure.

Recommended Action:
Get a new certificate

To correct this problem, you need to get a new, dedicated SSL/TLS certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). This certificate must match your complete site URL, or be a wildcard certificate that can be used for multiple subdomains on a domain.

It seems not to be, though. :confounded:

The site seems to have a good certificate, correct chain, and doesn't require SNI.

I can't see anything for Google to object to.

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