I’m having troubles with the let’s encrypt expiration mails.
Scenario in plesk let’s encrypt is used to secure its interface. but de website it self has its own SSL certificate. Let’s encrypt keeps sending mails even though there is no unsubcribe link in the mail.
Even though the certificate is updated, the mails keep coming on the daily basis
For privacy purposes i have renamed all logins en urls.
"Could not secure domains of (login ) with Let’s Encrypt certificates. Please log in to Plesk and secure the domains listed below manually.
Securing of the following domains has failed:
- ‘<url.ext>’
Invalid response from https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/authz-v3/3395642547.
Type: urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized
Status: 403
Detail: Invalid response from https://<url.ext>/.well-known/acme-challenge/Quet9E245-pDTkWo8sfnGoNtF8XmcsH64LttLiF6rAU []: “\r\n<html lang=“nl-NL” class=“no-js”>\r\n<head id=“Head”><meta charset=“utf-8”>\n\r\n\t<url.ext> > Niets gevonde”
The following domains have been secured without some of their Subject Alternative Names:
Could not renew Let’s Encrypt certificates for (login ). Please log in to Plesk and renew the certificates listed below manually.
Renewal of the following Let’s Encrypt certificates has failed:
The following Let’s Encrypt certificates have been renewed without some of their Subject Alternative Names:
[+] This domain is secure. The domain’s SSL/TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt has been issued/renewed.
This domain is not secure. Either the domain’s SSL/TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt could not be issued/renewed or the domain name was excluded from the certificate. Renew the certificate manually or request a new one to secure this domain."
Hoping you have a solution for my issue.