I have new problem letsencrypt.sh
the problem is
./letsencrypt.sh --config /etc/pki/config.sh --cron
!! letsencrypt.sh has been renamed to dehydrated !!
Due to trademark violation letsencrypt.sh had to be renamed and is know called dehydrated.
To make a clean cut dehydrated doesn’t use the old config locations /etc/letsencrypt.sh and
/usr/local/etc/letsencrypt.sh anymore, also the script file has been renamed.
If you were using the default WELLKNOWN location please also update your webserver to use /var/www/dehydrated.
You are currently running (or reading) a temporary wrapper which handles the old config locations,
you should update your setup to use /etc/dehydrated and the ‘dehydrated’ script file as soon as possible.
Script execution will continue in 10 seconds.
INFO: Using main config file /etc/pki/config.sh
ERROR: Problem connecting to server (get for https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory; curl returned with 60)
how should i do to fix it?