Error in Request Certificate Phase

My domain is:

I ran this command: genssl -f '*'

It produced this output:

Registering account
Verify each domain
Verifying *
/usr/local/sbin/dns_add_challenge 4yj1tMji__mPyAu0GyC3S6AH-yJ2SGZPsOg1cnL8hH0
checking DNS at
checking DNS at for Attempt 1/100 gave wrong result,  waiting 10 secs before checking again
sleeping 60 seconds before asking the ACME server to check the dns
sending request to ACME server saying we're ready for challenge
checking if challenge is complete
checking if challenge is complete
Verified *
/usr/local/sbin/dns_del_challenge 4yj1tMji__mPyAu0GyC3S6AH-yJ2SGZPsOg1cnL8hH0
/usr/local/sbin/dns_add_challenge 5UiS1yZk1o3gk0JSdV3dRvWxIqM3i3Ivbchz4y0tUD0
checking DNS at
sleeping 60 seconds before asking the ACME server to check the dns
sending request to ACME server saying we're ready for challenge
checking if challenge is complete
checking if challenge is complete
checking if challenge is complete
/usr/local/sbin/dns_del_challenge 5UiS1yZk1o3gk0JSdV3dRvWxIqM3i3Ivbchz4y0tUD0
Verification completed, obtaining certificate.
Requesting Finalize Link
Requesting Order Link
Requesting certificate
unable to load certificate
140343910930320:error:0D0680A8:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CHECK_TLEN:wrong tag:tasn_dec.c:1239:
140343910930320:error:0D07803A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_ITEM_EX_D2I:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:405:Type=X509_CINF
140343910930320:error:0D08303A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_TEMPLATE_NOEXP_D2I:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:739:Field=cert_info, Type=X509
unable to load certificate
140120334075792:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:707:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
unable to load certificate
140054229555088:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:707:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
Certificate saved in /root/.getssl/**
/root/.getssl/** not returned by server
getssl: - rsa certificate obtained but not installed on server

My web server is (include version): N/A (using DNS for wildcard certificate)

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): CentOS 7.9

My hosting provider, if applicable, is: N/A

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know): yes

I'm using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel): no

The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version or certbot-auto --version if you're using Certbot): getssl V2.36

I have successfully run this command previously (3 months ago) but now I am getting the above error and am unsure what is causing this issue.

Hi @pdavie, and welcome to the LE community forum :slight_smile:

You may need to update your trust store.


Thank you for your assistance.

I ran update-ca-trust and this exited with status 0.

I am still getting:

Requesting certificate
unable to load certificate
140328899913616:error:0D0680A8:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CHECK_TLEN:wrong tag:tasn_dec.c:1239:
140328899913616:error:0D07803A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_ITEM_EX_D2I:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:405:Type=X509_CINF
140328899913616:error:0D08303A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_TEMPLATE_NOEXP_D2I:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:739:Field=cert_info, Type=X509
unable to load certificate
140121146877840:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:707:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
unable to load certificate
140033683376016:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:707:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
Certificate saved in /root/.getssl/**
/root/.getssl/** not returned by server
getssl: - rsa certificate obtained but not installed on server

Is there some diagnostic I can run to determine where the problem is occurring? I note that the csr and key files associated with the certificate have not been updated.

OpenSSL can be used to verify the cert obtained:

I'm not familiar with .getssl.
Please show:
ls -l /root/.getssl/*

total 28
drwxr-xr-x. 7 root root  126 Jul  6 12:20 archive
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 3751 Jul  6 12:20 chain.crt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 3900 Jul  6 12:20 fullchain.crt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4817 Jul  6 09:58 getssl.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2313 Jul  6 12:20 *
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1708 Jul  6 08:52 *
-rw-------. 1 root root 3243 Apr  6 09:03 *
root# openssl verify -purpose sslserver \*
* CN = *
error 20 at 0 depth lookup:unable to get local issuer certificate

You are currently ahead of the getssl official releases (2.36 instead of 2.35) which means you could be using a dev/beta version?

Incidentally I haven't heard of getssl before but it seem to be a bash script in the style of, seems quite popular as well!

Just checked getssl on github, version 2.36 is dated 2021-05-08.

Getssl has worked well for me, this is the first problem that I have had.

I tried your command:

and they all return the same "error 20 at 0 depth lookup: unable to get local issuer certificate"
But all my certs are working...
So there must be something missing to that command.

On my machines this command only works if I give it the trust store manually.

# openssl verify -purpose sslserver -CAfile chain.crt \*

This suggests that there may be an invalid formatted X509 cert somewhere.

The fact that OpenSSL spits out Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE is usually not related to the trust store. It's OpenSSLs generic message it gives when it wants an X509 cert as input, but got something else.

You can try this for yourself:

# openssl x509 -text -noout
< Put garbage here, CTRL-D to end input>

Gives output:

unable to load certificate
139748794573952:error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line:../crypto/pem/pem_lib.c:745:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE

(If you give it a valid X509 cert however, you will get correct output, even if it's a self signed cert not in your trust store)

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When I run openssl verify with -CAfile chain.crt, the following output is produced:

root#  openssl verify -purpose sslserver -CAfile chain.crt \*
* C = US, O = Internet Security Research Group, CN = ISRG Root X1
error 2 at 2 depth lookup:unable to get issuer certificate

I have just re-run getssl and the certificate appears to have been generated correctly this time. It looks like it was some sort temporary issue.

Thank you all for your assistance!

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Glad it worked! Out of interest you mentioned you could see v2.36 on github, am I looking at something different? Releases · srvrco/getssl · GitHub

I only update through getssl -u and so this should mean that I am only getting official updates, released through the update channel.

This is taken from the getssl source on GitHub:

# Revision history:
# 2016-01-08 Created (v0.1)
# 2016-01-11 type correction and upload to github (v0.2)
# 2016-01-11 added import of any existing cert on -c  option (v0.3)
# 2016-01-12 corrected formatting of imported certificate (v0.4)
# 2016-01-12 corrected error on removal of token in some instances (v0.5)
# 2016-01-18 corrected issue with removing tmp if run as root with the -c option (v0.6)
# 2016-01-18 added option to upload a single PEN file ( used by cpanel) (v0.7)
# 2016-01-23 added dns challenge option (v0.8)
# 2016-01-24 create the ACL directory if it does not exist. (v0.9) - dstosberg
# 2016-01-26 correcting a couple of small bugs and allow curl to follow redirects (v0.10)
# 2016-01-27 add a very basic openssl.cnf file if it doesn't exist and tidy code slightly (v0.11)
# 2016-01-28 Typo corrections, quoted file variables and fix bug on DNS_DEL_COMMAND (v0.12)
# 2016-01-28 changed DNS checks to use nslookup and allow hyphen in domain names (v0.13)
# 2016-01-29 Fix ssh-reload-command, extra waiting for DNS-challenge,
# 2016-01-29 add error_exit and cleanup help message (v0.14)
# 2016-01-29 added -a|--all option to renew all configured certificates (v0.15)
# 2016-01-29 added option for elliptic curve keys (v0.16)
# 2016-01-29 added server-type option to use and check cert validity from website (v0.17)
# 2016-01-30 added --quiet option for running in cron (v0.18)
# 2016-01-31 removed usage of xxd to make script more compatible across versions (v0.19)
# 2016-01-31 removed usage of base64 to make script more compatible across platforms (v0.20)
# 2016-01-31 added option to safe a full chain certificate (v0.21)
# 2016-02-01 commented code and added option for copying concatenated certs to file (v0.22)
# 2016-02-01 re-arrange flow for DNS-challenge, to reduce time taken (v0.23)
# 2016-02-04 added options for other server types (ldaps, or any port) and check_remote (v0.24)
# 2016-02-04 added short sleep following service restart before checking certs (v0.25)
# 2016-02-12 fix challenge token location when directory doesn't exist (v0.26)
# 2016-02-17 fix sed -E issue, and reduce length of renew check to 365 days for older systems (v0.27)
# 2016-04-05 Ensure DNS cleanup on error exit. (0.28) - pecigonzalo
# 2016-04-15 Remove NS Lookup of A record when using dns validation (0.29) - pecigonzalo
# 2016-04-17 Improving the wording in a couple of comments and info statements. (0.30)
# 2016-05-04 Improve check for if DNS_DEL_COMMAND is blank. (0.31)
# 2016-05-06 Setting umask to 077 for security of private keys etc. (0.32)
# 2016-05-20 update to reflect changes in staging ACME server json (0.33)
# 2016-05-20 tidying up checking of json following ACME changes. (0.34)
# 2016-05-21 added AUTH_DNS_SERVER to getssl.cfg as optional definition of authoritative DNS server (0.35)
# 2016-05-21 added DNS_WAIT to getssl.cfg as (default = 10 seconds as before) (0.36)
# 2016-05-21 added PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER option, for forcing use of an external DNS server (0.37)
# 2016-05-28 added FTP method of uploading tokens to remote server (blocked for certs as not secure) (0.38)
# 2016-05-28 added FTP method into the default config notes. (0.39)
# 2016-05-30 Add sftp with password to copy files (0.40)
# 2016-05-30 Add version check to see if there is a more recent version of getssl (0.41)
# 2016-05-30 Add [-u|--upgrade] option to automatically upgrade getssl (0.42)
# 2016-05-30 Added backup when auto-upgrading (0.43)
# 2016-05-30 Improvements to auto-upgrade (0.44)
# 2016-05-31 Improved comments - no structural changes
# 2016-05-31 After running for nearly 6 months, final testing prior to a 1.00 stable version. (0.90)
# 2016-06-01 Reorder functions alphabetically as part of code tidy. (0.91)
# 2016-06-03 Version 1.0 of code for release (1.00)
# 2016-06-09 bugfix of issue 44, and add success statement (ignoring quiet flag) (1.01)
# 2016-06-13 test return status of DNS_ADD_COMMAND and error_exit if a problem (hadleyrich) (1.02)
# 2016-06-13 bugfix of issue 45, problem with SERVER_TYPE when it's just a port number (1.03)
# 2016-06-13 bugfix issue 47 - DNS_DEL_COMMAND cleanup was run when not required. (1.04)
# 2016-06-15 add error checking on RELOAD_CMD (1.05)
# 2016-06-20 updated sed and date functions to run on MAC OS X (1.06)
# 2016-06-20 added CHALLENGE_CHECK_TYPE variable to allow checks direct on https rather than http (1.07)
# 2016-06-21 updated grep functions to run on MAC OS X (1.08)
# 2016-06-11 updated to enable running on windows with cygwin (1.09)
# 2016-07-02 Corrections to work with older slackware issue #56 (1.10)
# 2016-07-02 Updating help info re ACL in config file (1.11)
# 2016-07-04 adding DOMAIN_STORAGE as a variable to solve for issue #59 (1.12)
# 2016-07-05 updated order to better handle non-standard DOMAIN_STORAGE location (1.13)
# 2016-07-06 added additional comments about SANS in example template (1.14)
# 2016-07-07 check for duplicate domains in domain / SANS (1.15)
# 2016-07-08 modified to be used on older bash for issue #64 (1.16)
# 2016-07-11 added -w to -a option and comments in domain template (1.17)
# 2016-07-18 remove / regenerate csr when generating new private domain key (1.18)
# 2016-07-21 add output of combined private key and domain cert (1.19)
# 2016-07-21 updated typo (1.20)
# 2016-07-22 corrected issue in nslookup debug option - issue #74 (1.21)
# 2016-07-26 add more server-types based on openssl s_client (1.22)
# 2016-08-01 updated agreement for letsencrypt (1.23)
# 2016-08-02 updated agreement for letsencrypt to update automatically (1.24)
# 2016-08-03 improve messages on test of certificate installation (1.25)
# 2016-08-04 remove carriage return from agreement - issue #80 (1.26)
# 2016-08-04 set permissions for token folders - issue #81 (1.27)
# 2016-08-07 allow default chained file creation - issue #85 (1.28)
# 2016-08-07 use copy rather than move when archiving certs - issue #86 (1.29)
# 2016-08-07 enable use of a single ACL for all checks (if USE_SINGLE_ACL="true" (1.30)
# 2016-08-23 check for already validated domains (issue #93) - (1.31)
# 2016-08-23 updated already validated domains (1.32)
# 2016-08-23 included better force_renew and template for USE_SINGLE_ACL (1.33)
# 2016-08-23 enable insecure certificate on https token check #94 (1.34)
# 2016-08-23 export OPENSSL_CONF so it's used by all openssl commands (1.35)
# 2016-08-25 updated defaults for ACME agreement (1.36)
# 2016-09-04 correct issue #101 when some domains already validated (1.37)
# 2016-09-12 Checks if which is installed (1.38)
# 2016-09-13 Don't check for updates, if -U parameter has been given (1.39)
# 2016-09-17 Improved error messages from invalid certs (1.40)
# 2016-09-19 remove update check on recursive calls when using -a (1.41)
# 2016-09-21 changed shebang for portability (1.42)
# 2016-09-21 Included option to Deactivate an Authorization (1.43)
# 2016-09-22 retry on 500 error from ACME server (1.44)
# 2016-09-22 added additional checks and retry on 500 error from ACME server (1.45)
# 2016-09-24 merged in IPv6 support (1.46)
# 2016-09-27 added additional debug info issue #119 (1.47)
# 2016-09-27 removed IPv6 switch in favour of checking both IPv4 and IPv6 (1.48)
# 2016-09-28 Add -Q, or --mute, switch to mute notifications about successfully upgrading getssl (1.49)
# 2016-09-30 improved portability to work natively on FreeBSD, Slackware and Mac OS X (1.50)
# 2016-09-30 comment out PRIVATE_KEY_ALG from the domain template Issue #125 (1.51)
# 2016-10-03 check remote certificate for right domain before saving to local (1.52)
# 2016-10-04 allow existing CSR with domain name in subject (1.53)
# 2016-10-05 improved the check for CSR with domain in subject (1.54)
# 2016-10-06 prints update info on what was included in latest updates (1.55)
# 2016-10-06 when using -a flag, ignore folders in working directory which aren't domains (1.56)
# 2016-10-12 allow multiple tokens in DNS challenge (1.57)
# 2016-10-14 added CHECK_ALL_AUTH_DNS option to check all DNS servers, not just one primary server (1.58)
# 2016-10-14 added archive of chain and private key for each cert, and purge old archives (1.59)
# 2016-10-17 updated info comment on failed cert due to rate limits. (1.60)
# 2016-10-17 fix error messages when using 1.0.1e-fips  (1.61)
# 2016-10-20 set secure permissions when generating account key (1.62)
# 2016-10-20 set permissions to 700 for getssl script during upgrade (1.63)
# 2016-10-20 add option to revoke a certificate (1.64)
# 2016-10-21 set revocation server default to (1.65)
# 2016-10-21 bug fix for revocation on different servers. (1.66)
# 2016-10-22 Tidy up archive code for certificates and reduce permissions for security
# 2016-10-22 Add EC signing for secp384r1 and secp521r1 (the latter not yet supported by Let's  Encrypt
# 2016-10-22 Add option to create a new private key for every cert (REUSE_PRIVATE_KEY="true" by default)
# 2016-10-22 Combine EC signing, Private key reuse and archive permissions (1.67)
# 2016-10-25 added CHECK_REMOTE_WAIT option ( to pause before final remote check)
# 2016-10-25 Added EC account key support ( prime256v1, secp384r1 ) (1.68)
# 2016-10-25 Ignore DNS_EXTRA_WAIT if all domains already validated (issue #146) (1.69)
# 2016-10-25 Add option for dual ESA / EDSA certs (1.70)
# 2016-10-25 bug fix Issue #141 challenge error 400 (1.71)
# 2016-10-26 check content of key files, not just recreate if missing.
# 2016-10-26 Improvements on portability (1.72)
# 2016-10-26 Date formatting for busybox (1.73)
# 2016-10-27 bug fix - issue #157 not recognising EC keys on some versions of openssl (1.74)
# 2016-10-31 generate EC account keys and tidy code.
# 2016-10-31 fix warning message if cert doesn't exist (1.75)
# 2016-10-31 remove only specified DNS token #161 (1.76)
# 2016-11-03 Reduce long lines, and remove echo from update (1.77)
# 2016-11-05 added TOKEN_USER_ID (to set ownership of token files )
# 2016-11-05 updated style to work with latest shellcheck (1.78)
# 2016-11-07 style updates
# 2016-11-07 bug fix DOMAIN_PEM_LOCATION starting with ./ #167
# 2016-11-08 Fix for openssl 1.1.0  #166 (1.79)
# 2016-11-08 Add and comment optional sshuserid for ssh ACL (1.80)
# 2016-11-09 Add SKIP_HTTP_TOKEN_CHECK option (Issue #170) (1.81)
# 2016-11-13 bug fix DOMAIN_KEY_CERT generation (1.82)
# 2016-11-17 add PREVENT_NON_INTERACTIVE_RENEWAL option (1.83)
# 2016-12-03 add HTTP_TOKEN_CHECK_WAIT option (1.84)
# 2016-12-03 bugfix CSR renewal when no SANS and when using MINGW (1.85)
# 2016-12-16 create CSR_SUBJECT variable - Issue #193
# 2016-12-16 added fullchain to archive (1.86)
# 2016-12-16 updated DOMAIN_PEM_LOCATION when using DUAL_RSA_ECDSA (1.87)
# 2016-12-19 allow user to ignore permission preservation with nfsv3 shares (1.88)
# 2016-12-19 bug fix for CA (1.89)
# 2016-12-19 included IGNORE_DIRECTORY_DOMAIN option (1.90)
# 2016-12-22 allow copying files to multiple locations (1.91)
# 2016-12-22 bug fix for copying tokens to multiple locations (1.92)
# 2016-12-23 tidy code - place default variables in alphabetical order.
# 2016-12-27 update checks to work with openssl in FIPS mode (1.93)
# 2016-12-28 fix leftover tmpfiles in upgrade routine (1.94)
# 2016-12-28 tidied up upgrade tmpfile handling (1.95)
# 2017-01-01 update comments
# 2017-01-01 create stable release 2.0 (2.00)
# 2017-01-02 Added option to limit number of old versions to keep (2.01)
# 2017-01-03 Created check_config function to list all obvious config issues (2.02)
# 2017-01-10 force renew if FORCE_RENEWAL file exists (2.03)
# 2017-01-12 added drill, dig or host as alternatives to nslookup (2.04)
# 2017-01-18 bugfix issue #227 - error deleting csr if doesn't exist
# 2017-01-18 issue #228 check private key and account key are different (2.05)
# 2017-01-21 issue #231 mingw bugfix and typos in debug messages (2.06)
# 2017-01-29 issue #232 use neutral locale for date formatting (2.07)
# 2017-01-30 issue #243 compatibility with bash 3.0 (2.08)
# 2017-01-30 issue #243 additional compatibility with bash 3.0 (2.09)
# 2017-02-18 add OCSP Must-Staple to the domain csr generation (2.10)
# 2018-01-04 updating to use the updated letsencrypt APIv2
# 2019-09-30 issue #423 Use HTTP 1.1 as workaround atm (2.11)
# 2019-10-02 issue #425 Case insensitive processing of agreement url because of HTTP/2 (2.12)
# 2019-10-07 update DNS checks to allow use of CNAMEs (2.13)
# 2019-11-18 Rebased master onto APIv2 and added Content-Type: application/jose+json (2.14)
# 2019-11-20 #453 and #454 Add User-Agent to all curl requests
# 2019-11-22 #456 Fix shellcheck issues
# 2019-11-23 #459 Fix missing chain.crt
# 2019-12-18 #462 Use POST-as-GET for ACMEv2 endpoints
# 2020-01-07 #464 and #486 "json was blank" (change all curl request to use POST-as-GET)
# 2020-01-08 Error and exit if rate limited, exit if curl returns nothing
# 2020-01-10 Change domain and getssl templates to v2 (2.15)
# 2020-01-17 #473 and #477 Don't use POST-as-GET when sending ready for challenge for ACMEv1 (2.16)
# 2020-01-22 #475 and #483 Fix grep regex for >9 subdomains in json_get
# 2020-01-24 Add support for CloudDNS
# 2020-01-24 allow file transfer using WebDAV over HTTPS
# 2020-01-26 Use urlbase64_decode() instead of base64 -d
# 2020-01-26 Fix "already verified" error for ACMEv2
# 2020-01-29 Check awk new enough to support json_awk
# 2020-02-05 Fix epoch_date for busybox
# 2020-02-06 Bugfixes for json_awk and nslookup to support old awk versions (2.17)
# 2020-02-11 Add SCP_OPTS and SFTP_OPTS
# 2020-02-12 Fix for DUAL_RSA_ECDSA not working with ACMEv2 (#334, #474, #502)
# 2020-02-12 Fix #424 - Sporadic "error in EC signing couldn't get R from ..." (2.18)
# 2020-02-12 Fix "Registration key already in use" (2.19)
# 2020-02-13 Fix bug with copying to all locations when creating RSA and ECDSA certs (2.20)
# 2020-02-22 Change sign_string to use openssl asn1parse (better fix for #424)
# 2020-02-23 Add dig to config check for systems without drill (ubuntu)
# 2020-03-11 Use dig +trace to find primary name server and improve dig parsing of CNAME
# 2020-03-12 Fix bug with DNS validation and multiple domains (#524)
# 2020-03-24 Find primary ns using all dns utils (dig, host, nslookup)
# 2020-03-23 Fix staging server URL in domain template (2.21)
# 2020-03-30 Fix error message find_dns_utils from over version of "command"
# 2020-03-30 Fix problems if domain name isn't in lowercase (2.22)
# 2020-04-16 Add alternative working dirs '/etc/getssl/' '${PROGDIR}/conf' '${PROGDIR}/.getssl'
# 2020-04-16 Add -i|--install command line option (2.23)
# 2020-04-19 Remove dependency on seq, ensure clean_up doesn't try to delete /tmp (2.24)
# 2020-04-20 Check for domain using all DNS utilities (2.25)
# 2020-04-22 Fix HAS_HOST and HAS_NSLOOKUP checks - wolfaba
# 2020-04-22 Fix domain case conversion for different locales - glynge (2.26)
# 2020-04-26 Fixed ipv4 confirmation with nslookup - Cyber1000
# 2020-04-29 Fix ftp/sftp problems if challenge starts with a dash
# 2020-05-06 Fix missing when creating dual certificates (2.27)
# 2020-05-14 Add --notify-valid option (exit 2 if certificate is valid)
# 2020-05-23 Fix --revoke (didn't work with ACMEv02) (2.28)
# 2020-06-06 Fix missing URL_revoke definition when no CA directory suffix (#566)
# 2020-06-18 Fix CHECK_REMOTE for DUAL_RSA_ECDSA (#570)
# 2020-07-14 Support space separated SANS (#574) (2.29)
# 2020-08-06 Use -sigalgs instead of -cipher when checking remote for tls1.3 (#570)
# 2020-08-31 Fix slow fork bomb when directory containing getssl isn't writeable (#440)
# 2020-09-01 Use RSA-PSS when checking remote for DUAL_RSA_ECDSA (#570)
# 2020-09-02 Fix issue when SANS is space and comma separated (#579) (2.30)
# 2020-10-02 Various fixes to get_auth_dns and changes to support unit tests (#308)
# 2020-10-04 Add CHECK_PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER to check the DNS challenge has been updated there
# 2020-10-13 Bugfix: strip comments in drill/dig output (mhameed)
# 2020-11-18 Wildcard support (#347)(#400)(2.31)
# 2020-12-08 Fix mktemp template on alpine (#612)
# 2020-12-17 Fix delimiter issues with ${alldomains[]} in create_csr (#614)(vietw)
# 2020-12-18 Wrong SANS when domain contains a minus character (atisne)
# 2020-12-22 Fixes to get_auth_dns
# 2020-12-22 Check that dig doesn't return an error (#611)(2.32)
# 2020-12-29 Fix dig SOA lookup (#617)(2.33)
# 2021-01-05 Show error if running in POSIX mode (#611)
# 2021-01-16 Fix double slash when using root directory with DAVS (ionos)
# 2021-01-22 Add FTP_OPTIONS
# 2021-01-27 Add the ability to set several reload commands (atisne)
# 2021-01-29 Use dig -r (if supported) to ignore.digrc (#630)
# 2021-02-07 Allow -u --upgrade without any domain, so that one can only update the script (Benno-K)(2.34)
# 2021-02-09 Prevent listing the complete file if version tag missing (#637)(softins)
# 2021-02-12 Add PREFERRED_CHAIN
# 2021-02-15 ADD ftp explicit SSL with curl for upload the challenge (CoolMischa)
# 2021-03-25 Fix DNS challenge completion check if CNAMEs on different NS are used (sideeffect42)(2.35)
# 2021-05-08 Merge from tlhackque/getssl: GoDaddy, split-view, tempfile permissions fixes, --version(2.36)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Cool, that downloads straight from latest master (and there is only one branch on github) so it's just using the latest copy of whatever was committed last (it's not otherwise hashed or signed as an official release).

I see they suggest running that update on a cron job, that could be interesting if their github auth token was compromised but that's a different topic :slight_smile: - anyway if it's working it's all good.

1 Like

Thanks for your help and noticing I'd not released 2.36 - I'll do that today!
(I'm the active maintainer of getssl)


Awesome :slight_smile: I'd recommend signing or at least hashing your latest releases so that the update can verify it's a real release (hosting the hashed release info elsewhere on different credentials), perhaps downloading the latest tag instead of the latest from master.

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