Error: Failed to connect to x.x.x.x:443 for TLS-SNI-01 challenge


Normally we can check the certificate directly with the IP address so I will forget the DNS for now

By Intranet, when I enter the local IP address of the server with https, I get this:

When I click the “Add Exception” buttom to see the details of the certificate, I get this :

The certificate is generated by Let’s Encrypt, it’s ok but it’s not recognized by the browser. In my opinion the problem comes from the certificate itself, because in Intranet we don’t pass through the firewall

By Internet, when I enter the public IP address of the server, I get this:

The browser says that it is a self-signed certificate it’s as if the certificate is not certified by a CA. That’s why the certificate is not recognized by the browser

When I click the “Add Exception” buttom to see the details of the certificate, I get this :

I think it is the certificate of our firewall. I think that the problem comes from the certificate itself, so, I will try to regenerate the certificate