Error during Account Registration - Key too small: 0

I am currently testing the Account Creation phase for a new ACME client i am building.

I am sending request to /acme/new-reg on the staging server and i get a response code of 400 with the following data returned:

"type": "urn:acme:error:malformed",
"detail": "Key too small: 0",
"status": 400

Naturally, i thought the account key pair that i was using was too small (it was 2048 bit). So i changed the code to create and use a 4096 bit key pair but i am still getting the same error.

I also tried the building the request using the test-ca.key from the boulder/test

Here is the request i built using the test-ca.key:

"header": {
	"alg": "RS256",
	"jwk": {
		"kty": "RSA",
		"n": "",
		"e": "AQE"
"protected": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp3ayI6eyJrdHkiOiJSU0EiLCJuIjoiIiwiZSI6IkFRRSJ9LCJub25jZSI6ImJMTmlZZGYxZzRmMlU2c3pMUEctMEN5UDlOajgtWFhlR00zUEdqVHBsRDAifQ",
"payload": "eyJyZXNvdXJjZSI6Im5ldy1yZWciLCJhZ3JlZW1lbnQiOiJodHRwczovL2xldHNlbmNyeXB0Lm9yZy9kb2N1bWVudHMvTEUtU0EtdjEuMS4xLUF1Z3VzdC0xLTIwMTYucGRmIiwiY29udGFjdCI6WyJtYWlsdG86dHBlbm5lckA0ZC5jb20iLCJ0ZWw6KzE0MDg1NTc0NjAwIl19",
"signature": "rJgaGo5raS5ufvJZ0cT604LI4Sz8L7PtAhRVQOKzznNxW7JEXXm0m3-vUtAj47U7an37JggZVHbEmF0-vFSoisbIK9dY5EifVDRb0lpfCv6tlLIS3BjR2A9zYLrRUnl_iw5SkA76whPS8gMXM-Y8HvyuUQqBrUAZ-WaS_1vxO9koTbNZKBDWNXBxShrU24UDpvxpusXzIixmNDilWdVC3r-Abypqe6bZ5PgvHWgVwGTTgMJ_mb5nbE4OURZRJH4-e0Vm6NjoYkEOkY49MO09-77EebWmcZ49CEFv5nya0PwNz9xZMXdcdyKObNU97AUMk_a5qqY60huu5Zrd5O4WPg"

The above request yields the same error:

"type": "urn:acme:error:malformed",
"detail": "Key too small: 0",
"status": 400

I have been searching online for references to this "Key too small: 0" error but I have been unable to find anything.

Any idea what's going on here?

Is this really blank ? (it shouldn't be) or have you deleted it to post here for some reason.


As pointed out by @serverco the blank “n” in your RSA JWK is at fault here. I suspect whatever code you are using to generate the JWK has a bug. Take a look at the “n” value in this example key from RFC7517:

          "n": "0vx7agoebGcQSuuPiLJXZptN9nndrQmbXEps2aiAFbWhM78LhWx

I would expect a well formed RSA JWK to have an encoded “n” value like the above.


Thank you both very much for this clue - indeed my code is returning a null value for n when i get the details of the private key…

I am feeding the test-ca.key into a simple php script that my code is calling:

function getKeyDetails($pem) {
  $res = openssl_pkey_get_private($pem);
  $va = openssl_pkey_get_details($res);
  return json_encode($va);

My code is then getting the following JSON returned for the test-ca.key which i use for constructing the JWK:

"bits": 2048,
"key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwgpHeZoFxRKydxdjNBPX\ncPk2v5neYvEwyHdNR23qwAKapsnRu1GWBd8y00szY5TUjprcm760hlJ2fa/bUkHC\n/FTOllDjPLZyKYiIxANkJAcnDML0ZmfwdpbT3WLP0fQajcDtYNfBg2ax0s1GLTSj\nXhSOhpWpo+xitla9EpohGppTSEeZLQBbBBK83/3eIwhe7KLDLCaTAptaefEJD+Cx\ny0oVS1w2vATH1aCPoqWHANPIjVBZIFvFVg3JSA8XMrGtKbAw7TI19/uGj5BP3Hn5\nj/tcTn1LgxzhlfFxcp7D+BKU31Tma9P4PYGEO2QK6l1+xk0JBanbsD5v8OasUj02\nqwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
"rsa": {
	"n": null,
	"e": "\u0001\u0001",
	"d": null,
	"p": null,
	"q": null,
	"dmp1": null,
	"dmq1": null,
	"iqmp": null
"type": 0

I will investigate this aspect of the code, and probably look for an alternative way to get the modulus (n) of a key.

Do you have a suggested way to get this information from a private key, perhaps with a call to the openssl binary (i am researching this now)?

Thank you again for your time!

I am now using openssl command line tools to get the modulus;

openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in key.pem

continuing to test with the test-ca.key file i get the following modulus:


And using this i build the following JWK:

"header": {
	"alg": "RS256",
	"jwk": {
		"kty": "RSA",
		"e": "AQE"
"payload": "eyJyZXNvdXJjZSI6Im5ldy1yZWciLCJhZ3JlZW1lbnQiOiJodHRwczovL2xldHNlbmNyeXB0Lm9yZy9kb2N1bWVudHMvTEUtU0EtdjEuMS4xLUF1Z3VzdC0xLTIwMTYucGRmIiwiY29udGFjdCI6WyJtYWlsdG86dHBlbm5lckA0ZC5jb20iLCJ0ZWw6KzE0MDg1NTc0NjAwIl19",
"signature": "v151HMiAOx5KkOR4ySiZ7yTBstpnZ0Sa-6TA41i-NY6hoWHogXBObVMQ_LhuD2lvlmMWBFwfuFZw0m13SyDDpzir9HL089ol26NzLRn3uuMH2--33kBiJoHYfVriOOkYBTUhaSS1yapFcrQumQv9VbE3Rtz4jVF5coTjycbxxGO0_6S0NLtsagYHub0uhd7FqJjkORtiYZujsIm52BRW8936ch505iiLq1kNx1idoSoiu4Uyd-eNL71WCxT4BK07wBiaexSnV83XhnmWummIJ4rOZDYvZkMTWYiCqkUv-tufB3uw_GRN5hNYo7RMgjH3sp-HzyrHjT-U-eOr0c_2KA"

However now i get the following error:

   "type": "urn:acme:error:malformed",
   "detail": "Key length wasn't a multiple of 8: 4095",
   "status": 400

So i am making progress, but still struggling with key lengths...

It needs to be base64 url encoded. ( from draft-ietf-acme-acme-03 )

Binary fields in the JSON objects used by ACME are encoded using
base64url encoding described in [RFC4648] Section 5, according to the
profile specified in JSON Web Signature [RFC7515] Section 2. This
encoding uses a URL safe character set. Trailing '=' characters MUST
be stripped.

I find it very suspicious that your e value is “AQE” instead of “AQAB”. Almost all RSA implementations now use the public exponent 65537 (0x10001), which is represented as “AQAB” in base64. Could there be a problem with your base64 encoding? JWK uses a specific kind of base64 encoding; are you sure that you’re using the base64 flavor that it expects?


I think the details i am getting back from openssl_pkey_get_details are inaccurate... for e i am getting "e": "\u0001\u0001" which is being Base64URLEncoded to AQE - so it seems that not only is the modulus (n) wrong, but so is the public exponent (e); probably the entire result.

I just tested the test-ca.key with the OpenSSL command line tools and the public exponent (e) is listed as publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001) so i incorporated the AQAB value into my routine and i still get the same error about Key length wasn't a multiple of 8: 4095.

Here is the data i am sending to /acme/new-reg via POST:

"header": {
	"alg": "RS256",
	"jwk": {
		"kty": "RSA",
		"e": "AQAB"
"payload": "eyJyZXNvdXJjZSI6Im5ldy1yZWciLCJhZ3JlZW1lbnQiOiJodHRwczovL2xldHNlbmNyeXB0Lm9yZy9kb2N1bWVudHMvTEUtU0EtdjEuMS4xLUF1Z3VzdC0xLTIwMTYucGRmIiwiY29udGFjdCI6WyJtYWlsdG86dHBlbm5lckA0ZC5jb20iLCJ0ZWw6KzE0MDg1NTc0NjAwIl19",
"signature": "QhCxpEtw8nTN6bBwVvolsNZig9kMSQAz0BuGuCDjgTqPdOGpEBNtuHN7mBVXuLU_BzWgg0k2_MGYcId2w-qCSKiQMoDuQcDFVigGoYGSFzFi7nwO0MI2UVBEvog1Czxhv0qYUSiVKF0msW84kzaLPpi9iESh73MPLRhEMRYtP8QTz2EYPRo-3_VPt10Nyz5UMzd-hklMLMMnWIcuL6sXZxuj6nU-gOYQC_N5AQvygKdauccdZSziagSLhI5r7PT0l5cQjk_WTqmRExtc95evdiMAvFpPyzIzFRHVdm6_wk5bUZEb55gnX1a80T1e2aNdjiJmrFBHADXcnR_QRx5C_Q"

The strange part is that the error lists 4095:

Key length wasn't a multiple of 8: 4095

Although the test-ca.key i am using is a 2048 bit key; if I was using a 4096 bit key i would think maybe i was somehow munging one of the bits... but that isn't the case here as it is a 2048 bit key.

Any idea which key this error refers to and why it references 4095 at the end of the error?

I just realized the modulus returned by OpenSSL is sometimes prepended with 00 depending on how it is called:

Example 1 - includes 00:

openssl.exe rsa -noout -inform pem -text -in key.pem



Example 2 - does not include 00:

openssl.exe rsa -noout -modulus -in key.pem



My code is using the output from the second example and Base64URLencoding the value above (as a string), which I am starting to think is the wrong approach.

I should probably build a blob using the hex/character codes and then Base64URLencode that blob - but should i include the 00 as the first byte of the blob?

@tpenner, the problem appears to be that you are base64-encoding hexadecimal-encoded strings rather than raw bytes. The base64 data that you sent decoded to the hexadecimal-encoded modulus (starting with “C20A47”) rather than a byte representation of the modulus. That could also explain why your data is almost exactly twice as large as expected.


Also, just to be clear: The test-ca.key from the Boulder repository is not intended for use outside of Boulder’s test environment. I would very strongly recommend generating your own key, even if it’s just for testing. If you were to accidentally use test-ca.key as the private key to generate a certificate, that certificate would be compromised because the private key is made public. Here’s how you would generate your own key:

openssl.exe genrsa

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Thank you @schoen and @jsha

I only used the Boulder test key because of the “key too small” error i was initially getting.

I thought the test key was used for unit testing your product and would therefore be of the expected key size; i hoped it would get me passed the “key too small” error. Plus since the boulder test key was already public i wouldn’t mind posting the key details in this help request.

In the end, the “key too small” error was regarding my Modulus (n) being an empty string ("").

I planned to use my own key generated from openssl genrsa for this once i get it working; but i will switch back to using my own key right now to avoid forgetting to switch later.

I think once i rewrite the code to use the binary data instead of the string data it will resolve this “Key length wasn’t a multiple of 8: 4095” error.

Thanks for all the pointers!


Thanks to everyone who responded; i ended up having three issues resolved with this thread.

  1. error “Key too small: 0”

This was due to the modulus (n) being empty.

Solving the first revealed the next error:

  1. error “Key length wasn’t a multiple of 8: 4095”

This was because i was Base64URLencoding the String Value of the modulus.
I needed to Base64URLencode the Binary representation of the modulus.
Once i changed the code to use the Binary representation of the modulus it worked!

  1. The public exponent (e) did not match the certificate.

I didn’t get any error specifically for this; but it was pointed out in this thread that (e) was wrong, and indeed (e) was wrong.

This is now solved; my registration routine appears to be working now.

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