I want to start letsEncrypt. I have installed it via git on my debian VServer.
If I now type ./letsencrypt-auto it works so far. I see some text and than the Licence stuff.
After accapting I have to choose my domain.
I choose one and than get this error:
An unexpected error occurred. and `Error: unauthorized :: The client lacks sufficient authorization :: Error creating new authz :: Syntax error
Please see the logfiles in /var/log/letsencrypt for more details.
The client tries to request a certificate for a wildcard domain (*.istgay.tk). Wildcard domains are not supported by Let's Encrypt. Removing that domain from your VHost or excluding it from the list of domains you request a certificate for should fix your issue.
When you run letsencrypt-auto, you will be asked which domains you want to generate a certificate for. *.istgay.tk should be one of the options. Navigate to that domain using your arrow keys and deselect it with spacebar.