Looks like letsenncrypt returns a 503 status code when I want to request a challenge. Anyone know what may be going on ? I’m blacklisted ? Same thing when I try with another domain …
Can you try to upgrade your cert-manager?
The latest version is 0.12.0
On 0.11.0 cert-manager changed name (website) for their API spaces due to upstream policy, so your 503 error might caused by one of the API changed since the old domain is no longer available.
Thank you all for your answers, I just deleted my ingresses having trouble and recreated them and everything went back to normal. I plan to upgrade cert-manager but transitioning from 0.10 to 0.11 seems risky … Will tackle this another day
My guess is that I had a couple of domains not properly configured (at the DNS Level) so cert-manager was looping constantly and ask letsencrypt to validate a challenge. These requests made the letsencrypt API blacklist me and answer me with 503 everytime. I cleaned up the domains, wait 10 minutes to let the letsencrypt API have some rest and created my domains again and it works. Is this a possible scenario ?
Yes exactly but that were domains that used to be properly configured then customers changed the CNAME. I’m pretty sure the letsencrypt API have some kind of rate limiting after this experience. Having a confirmation about this would comfort me as we rely a lot on letsencrypt …