My domain is:
I ran this command on our acme-dns server: sudo certbot certonly --test-cert --manual --preferred-challenges dns --manual-auth-hook 'acme-dns-client' --dns-rfc2136-credentials ~/certbot/rfc2136.ini -d *
It produced this output: DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up TXT for - check that a DNS record exists for this domain
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Ubuntu 22.04
I have an internal LAN only Bind instance and Acme-DNS running on another server which does have a publicly accessible IP address.
ACME-dns is registered properly, I believe, but doesn't seem to actually put a txt record on my DNS server. But even if I remove the --manual-auth-hook command and put in the TXT record manually, I get the same result.
I think I understand why, it's because the TXT record on my Bind9 server isn't publicly accessible, right? I'm just not sure how to go about actually fixing this issue. Where should the TXT records go if not on our DNS server?
The guides I've seen and followed for acme-dns were all based on a public DNS server, so I think I understand why they worked in that case but not here.
Domain was purchased from Dreamhost. I added (our acme-dns server) as a name server for that domain yesterday though I don't believe it has wholly propagated across the internet yet and I'm not sure if that helped or was necessary.
I've done a lot of reading over the past few days, but there are still some gaps in my understanding and my ability to get this all working. I would prefer not to go down the route of a private CA and faff about with installing CA certificates on 80+ hosts.
Any suggestions for what I'm missing/doing wrong? Thank you in advance.