Discrepancy between LetsEncrypt folder in container/host after mount


My container letsencrypt folder contains:

accounts cli.ini csr keys renewal renewal-hooks

but NO live folder after attempting to mount the /etc/letsencrypt from my host machine.

This is what my host machine folder contains.

TEST.txt (generated by me) accounts archive live renewal renewal-hooks

This is my first time diving into ssl generation and deploying web servers on docker, my apologies for any rookie mistakes.

My domain is: cinema-testapp.uksouth.cloudapp.azure.com

I ran this command: certbot certonly on the host virtual machine, hoping to sync the keys to my webserver container using volumes.

It produced this output:

Succesful certificate generation. I wanted to mount the /etc/letsencrypt/ folder to my nginx web server container to use the certs there by creating volumes in my docker-compose.yml.

I started with a simple

image: azurecr.io/cinema-frontend-image-azure
container_name: frontend
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- backend
- cinema-app-network
- /etc/letsencrypt/:/etc/letsencrypt/

Below is my latest attempt.


image: azurecr.io/cinema-frontend-image-azure
container_name: frontend
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- backend
- cinema-app-network
- letsencrypt:/nginx/letsencrypt

driver: local
type: none
device: /etc/letsencrypt
o: bind

driver: bridge

This results in an a discrepancy between the contents of the folders on the container and on the host.

container ls result: accounts cli.ini csr keys renewal renewal-hooks
host ls result: TEST.txt (generated by me) accounts archive live renewal renewal-hooks

I was expecting (hoping) for the contents of both folders to be the same.

My web server is (include version): Nginx 1.23.3

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Debian 11 Nginx Container, but the certificate was generated on a Ubuntu 20.04 host VM.

My hosting provider, if applicable, is: Azure

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know): yes

What is my mistake? Thanks a lot!

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Hi @Schuman, and welcome to the LE community forum :slight_smile:

Why the different path name?

Why change from ?:

Is nginx running within a container, outside of a container, or both?


Thank you for responding !

I changed it because I had also attempted to run certbot on the container. I stopped and deleted it afterwards, should it should not have had an effect. But I wanted to confirm that no existing etc/letsencrypt/ folder was interfering.

nginx is only running within the "frontend" container.

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Ok, where is certbot running?

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On the host VM. Certs were succesfully generated in the live/domain folder there.

So, the container can't see into the /etc/letsencrypt/ directory?

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I entered the container shell myself. I navigated to etc/letsencrypt/ and did ls to check its contents. the live folder was not visible.

This was the ls output:

accounts cli.ini csr keys renewal renewal-hooks

Then it sounds like a permissions problem...
There is another [local] /etc/letsencrypt/ folder that has no certs [/live/ subfolder].

Try creating a file within that /etc/letsencrypt/ folder [within the container].
And see if the host sees that temp file.


How might I confirm that it is a permission problem? The container does not recognize sudo.

I don't think it is due to another folder. I moved the volume to the nginx folder, where there was no definitely no prior letsencrypt folder present.

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The container is its' own [separate] operating system.


I just created a new dir "mydir" in the letsencrypt folder in the container, exited the container and navigated to the letsencrypt folder on the host. There was no "mydir" folder there.


Now "find" that "mydir" in the host drive.
find / -name mydir

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sudo find / -type d -name "mydir" returned no results

Then the container is encrypted OR, in some other way, not visible by the host.

In any case, they are not sharing the same /etc/letsencrypt/ folder.
That is the root of the problem.


How to make containers and the host VM share files/folders isn't really a topic covered by this forum.

I hope you find what you need.


Right. Yes I see, it is probably a docker issue. Could you perhaps advise me on how I could more elegantly set up a cert in my container?

There should be a better forum [than this one] for such requests.


OK, thanks anyway :wink:


In case anyone with the same problem reads this: this was fixed for me after rebooting my host VM.