Im a newbie to Letsencrypt and
I could success request a wildcard cert with the script
and also deeply it to one Synology NAS with the Synology deploy hook.
But as it is a wildcard cert, I need to deploy it to multiple different services.
For example I have 2 different Synology NAS (with different IP/hostnames and credentials of course) also linux host, UniFi-Controller and NGINX to name some.
But I dont understand, how I could only request in a regular interval my cert from Letsencrypt with and deploy it to different services then.
Sorry for my dumb question, but my googling so far, didn't bring any light.
Thanks for your kind words.
You are right.
So I installed
I can do an issue with acme to create my wildcard cert! --issue --dns dns_cf -d '*' --server letsencrypt
So thats good!
here comes the but,
when I try to deploy to my first Synology NAS<
I have some questions:
I was assuming and hoping that the switch --acountconf will put all needed data into a separated file.
Now I have for my first successful deploy (Thanks by the way to the developer of acme)
all deployment data in my certificate data file.
That doesn't sound right to me.
I need to run the same deploy hook for multiple destinations, but when I run it the 2. time acme deploys it on the same destination as before
When I run acme to deploy my wildcard cert, the config data for my deployment is written into the domain config file.
Which makes it impossible to run it to a different target,
Steps to reproduce
run works: --deploy --deploy-hook synology_dsm -d * --accountconf data/horst1.conf
But now the data from Synology deploy hook is written into my domain config:
So when I run the same deploy hook with different accountconf it fails:
to be fair I don't understand all your twists and turns
But, can't your deploy hook be "" which has all the steps you need in the way you want them?
Then runs that and your totalHook handles the rest. Copy the cert files, restart services, run remote programs, setup auth and whatever else you need.
Further, you generally renew certs with 30 days remaining before expiry. So, you don't need to do that in the deploy_hook although that is effective. You could just run some totalHook every day or maybe every week to copy the latest cert to where you need.
As exist already and has the deploy hooks for various platforms available, I was hoping to just use for renewing the cert and also deploying it.
Ah, I see. You know, all the deploy scripts are in the github. And, note nginx and apache are just stubs that don't do anything. At least these would give you a start on customizing your own "everything" deploy if you have to go that route.