Convert manual to Webroot renewal

Hi @ramzdam,

acme-dns developer (@joohoi) has a hosted acme-dns instance that you could use instead of installing your own self-hosted instance BUT keep in mind that:

1.- That instance could be down anytime, developer has no plans to get it down but it could happen.

2.- That instance could not be available because of maintenance or whatever.

3.- The db used could be nuked at any time because a new version is in place or because of...

4.- The hosted acme-dns provided by @joohoi is intended to be used for testing purposes not for production.

Said that, client has a plugin for acme-dns that uses by default but the recommended way is to install your own instance of acme-dns.

This is what the developer says about his hosted acme-dns instance:

It doesn't need go to run but it needs it to compile acme-dns, so yes, you should install go, compile acme-dns and once compiled and installed you could remove go if you don't need it.

Edit: As @danb35 commented in below post (thanks), @joohoi provides compiled binaries for Linux (32 and 64 bits) so you won't need to install go nor compile acme-dns yourself if you don't want to do so.Link to the acme-dns release page.

If using acme-dns hosted instance and you can't install your own acme-dns instance, there are other alternatives, like using cloudflare because of their API to modify records plus with its dns-alias (as mentioned by @Neilpang a few post ago) and dns_cf plugin.

The process would be similar as with acme-dns:

1.- Get a new domain, you could even get a free one from

2.- Create a free account on cloudflare and add this new domain so DNS will be managed by them.

3.- Get you API credentials from cloudflare.

4.- Create CNAME record for your domain pointing to the new domain:
Example: _acme-challenge.yourdomain.tld CNAME _acme-challenge.newdomain.tld

5.- Use client to get a certificate for your domain using dns-alias and dns_cf plugin (with the API credentials you got from cloudflare). Info and examples here DNS alias mode · acmesh-official/ Wiki · GitHub

Note: Using cloudflare is just an example, you could use any other dns provider supported by dns plugins.

Good luck,