Configuring SSL for domain and subdomain

It seems this is a known issue. SO I disabled it and it is working.

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I am just curious. What did you disable exactly? Because ipv6only=on is the default anyway for an IPv6 listen statement

I'm not doubting you. I would just like to be clearer for future similar problems. Thanks


Mike, I am far from to be expert and I assume that what I did, disabled the ipv6
So the line looks like this:
listen [::]:443 ssl; #ipv6only=off; # managed by Certbot


Thanks. That's interesting.

No, your new statement does not disable IPv6. That is set with the [::]: preceding the 443 ssl; Your info after the ; is marked as a comment so is now ignored.

There was a similar report about a stray ipv6only=on at the certbot github but it never got sorted. Yours is even more interesting in that you only have the one HTTPS server block (at least per the nginx -T in post #11).

Seems very strange but Rudy's intuition was on point. Perhaps he can shed more light on the circumstances.

I'd like to experiment with a fresh upload of an nginx -T if you don't mind.

sudo nginx -T >nginx-T2.txt

You can't use "ipv6only=on" more than once anywhere in the nginx configuration.


Here is the file.
nginx-T2.txt (16.2 KB)

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Thanks for indulging me.

I understand now. I didn't look at the posts with the second server block manually cloned from the first one. I only looked at the earlier nginx -T which just had the one.

Still, I'd forgotten you can't do that :slight_smile: Good catch


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