Hello Mike,
After I installed OpenSSL apache2 crashed again and couldn't be restarted. Tried to fix the problem without uninstalling it but it wouldn't start. I uninstalled Apache2 again and re-installed it and it is now running again. However the certificate still hasn't updated.
I will say we have 2 servers we get certificates from Lets's Encrypt. The other server runs on Ubuntu 18 and had an issue renewing the certificate as well. However that was resolved Monday after some changes were made in the server name conf file in the letsencrypt directory. That server is our primary mail server. The server where the certificate did renew but didn't update on the website is our backup mail server and runs on Ubuntu 20.
I only bring the above up because on our primary mail server avmail.alliedvaughn.com the default ssl conf file has all 3 files listed in there and it succeeded in renewing and updating on the website. You had me remove the SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/mail.alliedvaughndam.com-002/cert.pem from the default ssl conf file on the backup server but it. However I have decided to put that file back in the file since all 3 files are in the conf file on avmail and was able to renew sucessfully and update on the website.
My question is how long does it take the certficate to update on the website after Openssl and Apache2 are running?