Certificate renewal

For the DNS challenge? It would be _acme-challenge.idea.ammahub.com to prove your control over idea.ammahub.com.

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Does it mean that I need to enter _acme-challenge.idea in the host section? I entered _acme-challenge for both wild card and the @ native domain, and that verified the domain.

I am asking this question to find out whether this has anything to do with the certificate issue, though the certificates were successfully issued.

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Just a quick follow up. I tried to verify by entering the following in the host section of the txt record, 1. _acme-challenge.idea, 2. _acme-challenge.idea.ammahub.com & 3. idea. All these three resulted in errors as the DNS record could not be detected.

Yeah, Iā€™m not sure how your DNS interface works for creating subdomain records. But the record that needs to exist is _acme-challenge.idea.ammahub.com and I agree that nothing that you did ended up creating that record in the DNS so far.

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