Certificate for Windows Server 2012 R2

Will these certificates work with Windows Server 2012 R2.

Yes, they will work.

is there any documentations on how to add certificate to Windows Server 2012 R2.

I’m afraid not, sorry. You may want to try ACMESharp, which runs on Windows.

I actually got it to work with ACMESharp, but i do have a quick question… does it also support like wildcards or subdomains.

No wildcards (yet, or perhaps ever) but you can have up to 100 names in a certificate, whether those are sub-domains or even entirely unrelated names you want on the same certificate, if you can validate that you own them. See the Subject Alternative Names (SAN) section of the ACMESharp documentation for how to do this using ACMESharp.

so either way, I can create a certain certification for a sub domain if i wanted too. I will have to look into SAN then.

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