Hi !
I need a SSL DV certificat for a custom Alexa Skill who is plugged to my smart home (automation with WAGO).
But my webserver is on my controller and cerbot can’t generate certificat on it (no python, and can’t install it, the controller don’t have enought space for it!)
Anyway, can we use certbot on another server and generate the certificate for another server, cuz i just need a domaine validation certificat.
I actually got a SSL certificat for my domain, but I want to try Let’s Encrypt, cause it’s free !
So i already got the CSR file to generated a CRT…
Informations :
The web server is in my local network, on the PFC controller
The domain is mine and it redirect on my public IP adress
I can easily create the .well-know/
OS : Unix PTXdist / with WAGO-PFC SDK
Web server : lighthttp
Thanks for replies !