Maybe you meant to say that (2) certbot reconfigure --cert-name <cert name> --pre-hook and (1) certbot renew --cert-name <cert name> --pre-hook—if successful—write to /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/<cert name>.conf's pre_hook option?
Mostly though I think you will need to experiment. You could place a hook in each location and see the sequence. I use a hook command like 'echo Hook-For-ItemX' when testing similar cases. Fancier logging techniques inside hook scripts are possible of course.
Personally I am wary about relying on behavior that is not doc'd. My concern is the behavior may change without notice since there is nothing constraining it. In this case I don't think this is a big concern.
Sure, you could create your own "Certbot script" to run pre- and post- Certbot. Then setup a cronjob to run it for automated renew. If this is used for every certbot cert you should then disable the existing systemd timer or cronjob.