Certbot - Hard Coded URL Rewrite Means HTTP-01 Challenge Fails on Apache

If you use acme.sh to issue and installcert, it will be renewed automatically, you don’t need to take care of the cron job.

you can check your cronjob by:

crontab -l

Does acme.sh create and install its own cron job when it’s run?

@schoen, @Neilpang,

After re-reading this thread, and just to clarify, the file below wasn’t added by me. I actually had found it before and deleted it, but throughout many attempts of finding the root of my problems this file kept being created.

	### I found a file in my ../conf folder called: nginx.example.com.br.conf_letsencrypt and in it we have:

	location ~ "^/\.well-known/acme-challenge/(.*)$" {
	    default_type text/plain;
	    return 200 "$1.yxgGDRnEH9R5fC2kXvBqXINg_USLfrOwMlTyy10HKwY";

I’m unsure where it comes from.

And thanks again for all the help! I learned a sh*t load and got the system running again… priceless… thank you internet!

Yes, acme.sh can set up a cronjob automatically. the cert can be renewed automatically and silently.
The user just needs to issue and installcert once, acme.sh knows when/how to renew the cert in future, and will automatically install the cert again.

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It’s likely that your vestacp plugin modifies your conf file.
Please disable the letsencrypt cert in the web site control panel.

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