Certbot errors with `Obtaining a new certificate An unexpected error occurred: The CSR is unacceptable (e.g., due to a short key) :: Error finalizing order :: issuing precertificate: CSR doesn't contain a SAN short enough to fit in CN`

Hi @TaaviE

one label may have max. 63 characters, so that label is ok.

But there is an additional limit: The CN can have (if I know it correct) max. 64 characters. Yours has 66.

You may add a second, shorter domain with that domain as first domain name -> so it's used as CN.

Earlier, I've created a certificate with this-is-a-very-long-really-very-long-name-of-this-small-bdomain as subdomain name (63 characters + .server-daten.de). Worked with www.server-daten.de as second domain name and CN.

Ah - there is the old topic