Cert not work in firefox

SSL Server Test :
The server does not support Forward Secrecy with the reference browsers.
This server’s certificate chain is incomplete. Grade capped to B.
This server supports TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV to prevent protocol downgrade attacks.
Chain issues: Incomplete
Certification Paths
Path #1: Trusted
1 Sent by server xxxx
RSA 2048 bits (e 65537) / SHA256withRSA
2 Extra download Let’s Encrypt Authority X1
RSA 2048 bits (e 65537) / SHA256withRSA
3 In trust store DST Root CA X3 Self-signed
RSA 2048 bits (e 65537) / SHA1withRSA
Weak or insecure signature, but no impact on root certificate

Protocol Details:
Forward Secrecy With some browsers (more info)

It seem to be chain Incomplete, but i dont’ know how to fix it.