Hi, can anyone point the error in the request ?
I already check the boulder source but do not see the reason that cause the “Invalididentifiertype”.
,“x” :“tyL4TKoWxuFVRyueVSKEYWrm_AsHL6JvteldkWQe6GRFmKgg48wAeShVC0wBol5U”
,“y” :“LpOh9OPfdfJjMt1mjbhTDre-M-uJ6-eobklzL4HXUJzcNqvy5dervcv31NGY8VOA”}
, “protected”: “eyJub25jZSI6ICJ6MUZjQjBrdDYzbnRXdi1faWduWHNSN053aW1lVDdsemxXamVGUnB3dWg0In0”
, “payload”: “eyJpZGVudGlmaWVyIjogeyJ0eXBlIjogImh0dHAtMDEiLCAidmFsdWUiOiAiZWMzODQuc3VjaGUub3JnIn0sICJyZXNvdXJjZSI6ICJuZXctYXV0aHoifQ”
, “signature”: “N-ZfEMJA12e3ttvOwM4rxZtGQQla4Ba7Dpcmo9v_fu4WOv1CCD2q3HqI2fa7yCN1mmmkz-CvcqmhYeZIHznK7D1-xhln3BAU7YM7cBhqTZkxwkhjb44JRufp1OF-QsNc”
POST https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-authz
400 Bad Request
January 2, 2017, 8:30pm
Looks like this with stripped spaces. I’m guessing the client is doing that for some reason? I think that’s what boulder will use if you try to submit an authz
with identifier.type != "dns"
. Maybe a case-sensitivity thing?
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Decoding payload
as base64 shows:
{"identifier": {"type": "http-01", "value": "ec384.suche.org"}, "resource": "new-authz"}
You need to use "type": "dns"
here — the http-01
challenge type is specified at a later step.
1 Like
January 3, 2017, 3:59pm
@pfg and @sigprof are correct here (Thanks folks!) - you’re specifying the type of the authz identifier as “http-01”, Boulder only supports DNS
type identifiers. http-01
is a challenge type .
Thanks it was first dns and i had an problem. When i switched it. But now all works again as expected
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February 2, 2017, 4:19pm
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