Hear! Hear! Several of the contributors to this very thread, myself included, have assisted many people suffering from this very dilemma (or some facet of it). I can personally think of more than a few recent instances where complications and misunderstandings of "certificate management" have been the very source of a certbot user's woes.
Perfect case in point:
That's 59 back-and-forth posts to untangle based on a misconception of how to create backups!
Hence why I have advocated for backup
and restore
functions (among other things):
Several of you in this thread will not be able to see the topic I just cited because it's in the Lounge, which is restricted to Regulars, Leaders, Moderators, and Staff. I might drag it out into the public for further discussion if there's interest. I am especially interested in the consideration of @certbot-devs there. I'm willing to draft issues against certbot (and possibly PRs as I can) should they arise.