Big Thanks to Let's Encrypt Team and Organization

Awesome Work!

Worked like a charm on Debian (using the certonly --standalone option, as I am using Apache Macros which will most likely not work with the apache plugin)!

Great project and very good engineered/executed! Will defenitely boost the SSL usage worldwide.

Big thanks to everyone at Let’s Encrypt including the sponsors, Great!


Finally nice to actually see some praise for this wonderful project! People tend to only comment when something goes wrong, at which point the criticize it. Note to the team; you’re doing a fantastic job, keep it up.

On the other hand, I’m very glad to be a member of such a kind and friendly community (I really haven’t seen forums as friendly as this in a long time!).

Such a fantastic project :smile:!

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I would also like to express my happiness :smile:

Thank you so much Let’s Encrypt team and all the other people around you!

I only just stumbled upon Let’s encrypt a few days ago, did some reading of a few guides and tuts out there and eventually sat down on my Ubuntu server and within 3 minutes I had generated the first key for a site on Apache and it works like an absolute charm and passes any ssl test out there I have thrown at it. Absolutely amazing.

I am blown away at how fast modules, plugins and scripts are being developed all over the place and I am super excited about the whole Let’s encrypt project.

Keep up the fantastic work on this much needed project for an encrypted Internet and I look forward to learning more and helping others in this community with things I have learned.

Take a Bow Team !!


Echoing the above. An easier implementation than I imagined.

Great to have increasing levels of detail using certbot - from the brief summary @ with more detail and then this community support forum.

As with others, I notice, my existing certificate remained in place. Might make a good new section in the documentation – starting w/o a certificate vs starting with…

Thanks again.

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Hi All,

I would like to thanks everyone at Let’s Encrypt !
My first try on Slackware and it run like a charm !

Thanks again, and also to sponsors