Best cipher suite

Hello what’s the best cipher suite that i should use ? :slight_smile:

I’d suggest using which will give you a good set of ciphers for what you choose ( it depends how many browsers etc you want to support).

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Thank you, but it isn´t what i want. I have enabled only TLSv1.2 and 4096 bit key size. I want best encryption for latest browsers.

I’m slightly confused, as that’s exactly what that link will provide if you select “modern” on the options ( rather than intermediate or old which would include ciphers for old browsers such as those on Windows XP )

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The “modern” cipher suite is TLSv1.2-only and doesn’t contain any ciphers I’d call unsafe.

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oh, Thank you :slight_smile: i will try it :slight_smile:

Thank you for the informations about it. :slight_smile:

Keep in mind that Mozilla’s “Modern” ciphers may cause you unexpected issues. For example, ownCloud’s mobile app won’t work with it (“TLS Initialisation failed” error).

If that happens, you can use the “intermediate” ciphers, or figure out what you’re specific device/app needs and add it to the list :slight_smile: