Dear LE Community,
I have used LE before with Certbot on a dedicated server, and it works flawlessly with DNS-01 verification. I am now managing a site for large organization that uses Azure for web hosting as opposed to a dedicated server where I can CLI everything. The organization has many subdomains therefore I would like to get a wildcard cert. The DNS however is not hosted with Azure DNS, rather with Google’s domain service through G-suite. I have found quite a few plugins and tuts on how to incorporate LE inside Azure but none with the DNS-01 challenge for an external DNS provider. Has anyone accomplished this?
I know certbot has a Google DNS plugin, but the only way I can envision using it is to spin up a Linux environment on Azure which seems overkill for getting a cert every 3 months. Any thoughts?
Dear all,
I didn’t realize Google Domains and Google Cloud DNS are 2 separate entities. The org I am working with has the former, which does not have an API for updating TXT records. You can update A records for DynDNS purposes with Google Domains, but not any other type.
My main question was about the Azure integration, but given that Google Domains doesn’t have an API its a moot point. It is rather shocking that of all companies Google doesn’t have an API for Google Domains even though we pay for it.