*.DOMAIN isn’t a public suffix. It’s supposed to be *.energysrs.com.
By the way, relying on manual validation is problematic. It means the certificate can’t be automatically renewed and you have to do it by hand every couple months.
That tutorial is apparently using Ubuntu; your domain is using Cloudflare’s DNS. You can install the Certbot Cloudflare DNS plugin with sudo apt-get install python3-certbot-dns-cloudflare and use it to validate with less copying and pasting and more automatic renewal. (You still have to fix the domain, though.)
@mnordhoff thanks for your help, it's appreciated.
Sorry for making an obvious syntax error, my apologies. I'll pay closer attention from now on.
Thank you for the suggestion of using the Certbot Cloudflare DNS plugin.
I'm tempted to move the domain to AWS Route 53 to manage the DNS there.
If so would I be able to set-up auto renewal?