I'm developing an ACME server to issue identity certificates to macOS/iOS devices for MDM attestation, following RFC 8555. Per RFC, the client creates an order, performs authorization, verifies the challenge, and finalizes the order by submitting a CSR to the CA.
In my setup, the CA sometimes takes longer to issue the certificate (around 50 seconds). According to RFC 8555, if certificate issuance isn’t complete after the /finalize call, the server should respond with an "order" object with a "processing" status. The client should then send a POST-as-GET request to the order resource (e.g., /order/<order_id>) to check the current state. If the CA still hasn’t issued the certificate, the server should return the order object with the same "processing" status and include a "Retry-After" header, indicating when the client should retry. The client is expected to poll the order resource at this specified interval with POST-as-GET requests.
However, it seems the Apple ACME client ignores the "Retry-After" header and instead returns the error: "Profile failed - Order status is processing, not yet valid" immediately upon the first poll response with "processing." Apple ACME client deviating from the RFC documentation.
Has anyone found a reliable solution to this issue?
To work around this, I’m holding the /finalize call until the CA issues the certificate. This works when issuance is quick (under 20 seconds), but if it takes more than that , the client times out. Interestingly, the Apple ACME client’s timeout appears shorter than the usual 60-second URLSession default.
I'm not familiar with the "Apple ACME client", but when Let's Encrypt attempted to move to "asynchonous finalization", they ended up postponing it indefinitely because there were too many broken clients that didn't actually follow the spec and assumed they wouldn't get a "processing" status. My understanding is that other CAs do use it, though.
No Apple acme client is not a open source. It may be a part of MdmClient that apple has inbuilt with its endpoints. It can be found in "/usr/libexec/mdmclient" in mac. In iPhone i don't have any idea where it resides. Yes Apple provides ACME support for device attestations.