I got the ssl certficiates from certbot up and running perfectly for sites 1 and 2 previously. When it came time to generate a ssl cert for site #3 i used the command below to generate new certs
The redirection in first VirtualHost is not working too so, maybe Apache is not reading this conf file… which is strange because the page we get is related to the domain tranquilthaibodywork.com maybe there is another VirtualHost defined for this domain.
@alondc, could you please show the output of below commands? (I don’t know what is you OS so maybe below commands won’t work).
apache2ctl -t apache2ctl -S
Also, I don’t know whether it is just a copy & paste issue but I can’t see the </IfModule> in your conf closing the first <IfModule mod_ssl.c> as I said, maybe you forgot to copy it.
You could also compare the conf from a working virtualhost like earlymathmatters.com with this one to check what are the differences between them.
UPDATE: after reviewing the apache2ctl -S command output, I realized that the tranquil thaibodywork.com.conf Vhost had not been named in the apache.conf file. I added it in the following section using the command below and everything is now working perfectly.
@ahaw021 - The file in /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf does have a certificate and key in it. This data could be from before the new virtual host was added.
@sahsanu - I'm running an ubuntu 16.04 LAMP server