An unexpected error occurred: too many certificates already issued for exact set of domains

There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new order :: too many certificates already issued for exact set of domains:, see

We are developing applications on our domain due to which we needed to destroy the server.

Is it possible to remove the limit.



the wrong setup.

Save the certificates outside, so you can reuse these.

And use the test system, not the productive system.

There are 5 identical certificates created ( ).

Issuer not before not after Domain names LE-Duplicate next LE
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2019-07-06 2019-10-04, - 2 entries duplicate nr. 5 next Letsencrypt certificate: 2019-07-10 05:44:25
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2019-07-06 2019-10-04, - 2 entries duplicate nr. 4
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2019-07-04 2019-10-02, - 2 entries duplicate nr. 3
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2019-07-03 2019-10-01, - 2 entries duplicate nr. 2
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2019-07-03 2019-10-01, - 2 entries duplicate nr. 1

Increasing the rate limit is something, if you are are large provider with a lot of domain names. Or a large organization (like an university) with a lot of subdomains.

But developing - I don't think this is a reason.

Okies, but didnt saved. Can you provide the link where we can download the old created certs.

Do you have the private key? If yes, has download links (not copied).

If no, that wouldn't help.

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sorry. If knew, i would have saved whole letsencrypt directory from server

For you, Let's Encrypt certificates are free. But for Let's Encrypt, every newly issued certificates takes its toll on the load on the LE infrastructure and adds to the total costs of the project. Please read all the documents in the future when you use a 3rd party service.

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I agree but I think that Let's encrypt is not doing a very good job at presenting information to beginners.

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Every opensource is doing job is backed by successful organisations and without those sponsors it wouldnt have been possible. We are also providing free services that too at startup stage without any Sponsors and without complaining it.

What's wrong with the Getting started page on the home page? It even has links to the staging environment and rate limits pages.
If you have any ideas on how to improve that page, please let it know or even make improvements yourself, as the site is open source: GitHub - letsencrypt/website: Let's Encrypt Website and Documentation

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