Adding support for an atomic key, certificate and chain file

As of today, Certbot creates the following four files per certificate

  • cert.pem
  • chain.pem
  • fullchain.pem
  • privkey.pem

For certain application (e.g. Postfix) a single file which contains everything, i.e. private key, own certificate, chain, in that order would be beneficial. For example, Postfix picks up a new certificate (or private key for that matter) without reloading the daemon. However, it is necessary that the information is updated in an atomic manner. If the file private key and the certificates are stored in individual files, it might happen that Postfix reads a private key and certificate which do not match (of course depending on circumstances and timing).

See Postfix Configuration Parameters – smtpd_tls_chain_files:

Storing the private key in the same file as the corresponding certificate is more reliable. With the key and certificate in separate files, there is a chance that during key rollover a Postfix process might load a private key and certificate from separate files that don't match.

It would be nice, if certbot could also create a fifth file which provides everything.

This has been requested numerous times already on the Certbot Github repository where you've also posted an identical issue.

Certbot is not developed by Let's Encrypt any longer for many, many years now. And as mentioned in About the Feature Requests category this category is for Let's Encrypt feature requests, not ACME clients. Therefore I'm going to close this thread.