It produced this output:
404 Not found
My web server is (include version): nginx/1.10.3
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):
Rasbian Stretch
My hosting provider, if applicable, is: self
I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know): yes/ssh
I originally had a pi-hole server running, but had to take it off the network because I needed the machine. I made no change to my dhcpcd.conf or interfaces file on either of my other servers either before or after using pihole.
I have two raspberry pi servers running. One for home automation the other for media(torrenting). My home automation is running fine on https. But I’m getting 404 errors on my media. I can access the services on http and direct on 192.168.1.x address. but https gets 404.
I think I borked something on my router with the ports but Im not sure. My media server is running on a dmz.
If you want the router to route traffic directly to both servers, you’ll probably have to put them on different (external) ports.
If you want to be able to access one server at and the other at, you could forward ports 80 and 443 to nginx, install the certificate there, and configure it with location blocks for / and /deluge to proxy to the two applications.
There is probably another virtual host file with with listen 443 https for this domain that is missing these proxy definitions. You could copy and paste the missing ones there, or you could consider redirecting http to https so there is no need to maintain them with plain http any longer.
Fixed it!
So I made a change before I even saw your post and I think what you said and what I did are what fixed it.
When I built Home assistant, one of the parts for encrypting it was to fwd port 443 to port 80 as part of the certbot process. So I removed that port fwd option and now everything works!
I was just going over the docs for the certbot process and one of the very last lines is to remove that 443 port fwd. Guess I missed that!