2 Problems with my certificate

I know but its an old computer which windows xp seems to work fine on it but, will take your advice

Microsoft doesn't issue security updates which install automatically for XP any longer. Did you install KB4500331 manually? If not, your XP is vulnerable to exploitation.

No I did not knew that but, I will install it manually now, thanks again! But, with this expirience what I learned is that my other computer cannot run on Win XP no more, so, I might install Ubuntu to it to keep it sharp and updated.


there are other (and lighter) distros. go for lubuntu/xubuntu, or debian stable, MX, or even alpine linux.

I had used xubuntu before and I like it or debian or slack, but, xubuntu is the best choice for that computer since I only use it for internet and work.

I also like xubuntu over lubuntu. but there are even lighter choices, if you need them.

True but, xubuntu is light enough I think, will try!

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