Workflow for using alternate link relation

FYI the feature is now enabled in both staging in production.

Certbot is the only client I know so far that has implemented the chain selection, you can check out how it was implemented in my PR here:

Staging roots:

  • Fake LE Root X1 (default)
  • Fake LE Root X2

Production roots:

  • DST Root CA X3 (default)
  • ISRG Root X1

Test drive the functionality with:

certbot certonly --staging --preferred-chain "Fake LE Root X2" -d

To apply a change globally for future renewals, you can add it to one of the cli.ini locations:

$ cat /etc/letsencrypt/cli.ini
preferred-chain = Fake LE Root X2

If you specify an issuer that does not exist, Certbot will complain when running interactively:

Certbot has been configured to prefer certificate chains with issuer 'Fake LE Root xyxy', but no chain from the CA matched this issuer. Using the default certificate chain instead.