WordPress Multisite - Add-on sites not showing WP

My domain is: https://aitcloudns.com
I ran the multisite install and works fine, domain mapping all is working fine under WordPress main site.
I have an issue: When you access others domains they are secured but display
“Not Found
The requested URL / was not found on this server.”

Each domain has getyourselfontime.com.conf & getyourselfontime.com-le-ssl.conf
Server version: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS 7)
root access: yes, thru terminal
certbot 0.36.0

Question: Where should be pointing this add-on domain, under .conf file is pointing to "DocumentRoot “/var/www/getyourselfontime.com” I’m getting this error because they are pointing a location that doesn’t exist. They should be pointing to the .htaccess settings from the multisite, I’m right?

Thanks for your help!


If you are running a mutli-site setup, you should (could) create a virtual host config for each of your site, and point all the sites to your main site. (The config should be all the same beside your domain name, TLS Certificate and keys)


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