Why is this error showing up when installing a Let's Encrypt Certificate?

Requesting SSL certificate for tea-m.org.uk www.tea-m.org.uk .. .. failed : Failed to request certificate : Parsing account key… Parsing CSR… Registering account… Already registered! Verifying www.tea-m.org.ukwww.tea-m.org.uk verified! Verifying tea-m.org.uk… Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/libexec/webmin/webmin/acme_tiny.py”, line 203, in main(sys.argv[1:]) File “/usr/libexec/webmin/webmin/acme_tiny.py”, line 199, in main signed_crt = get_crt(args.account_key, args.csr, args.acme_dir, log=LOGGER, CA=args.ca) File “/usr/libexec/webmin/webmin/acme_tiny.py”, line 154, in get_crt domain, challenge_status)) ValueError: tea-m.org.uk challenge did not pass: {u’status’: u’invalid’, u’validationRecord’: [{u’url’: u’http://tea-m.org.uk/.well-known/acme-challenge/W8nOGG7tutiip1F_9nrRM_hIscvfn1Dk5aN5oJ3S-p8′, u’hostname’: u’tea-m.org.uk’, u’addressUsed’: u’′, u’port’: u’80’, u’addressesResolved’: [u’′]}], u’keyAuthorization’: u’W8nOGG7tutiip1F_9nrRM_hIscvfn1Dk5aN5oJ3S-p8.iAhLRtyFZfgRxQ_xvXXMvy6rqr6XEJld34Vl89ywL7k’, u’uri’: u’https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/challenge/NFJ4Ig9dt8_m0MyER7oWJprhX3COwmAAqEjEZtBUjaU/755174931′, u’token’: u’W8nOGG7tutiip1F_9nrRM_hIscvfn1Dk5aN5oJ3S-p8′, u’error’: {u’status’: 400, u’type’: u’urn:acme:error:connection’, u’detail’: u’Could not connect to tea-m.org.uk’}, u’type’: u’http-01′}

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Hi @ivodimitrov1102,

Did you manage to figure this out already?

It seems that you have updated your DNS records since originally making this post.


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