Where are the installation instructions for non-geeks?


If you’re on windows you should check out ACMESharp and use PowerShell. Below are some links that should help.

NOTE: you need to be using PS v5, if not you can install Chocolatey. This info is in the instructions, but I thought I’d highlight it.


Thanks, but that is even more complicated than the solution offered by @Neilpang, so it is definitely not for me.

I would like to thank everyone for their input on this. Basically it seems I would need to invest a year or so full-time into learning to be an IT geek/guru, before I could understand what is being offered or suggested here. I am not leaving empty-handed though. I got a list of providers that can implement the Let’s Encrypt certificates. And I am able to generate my own certificates via https://www.sslforfree.com/.