.well-known Folder Rename


I am trying to use let’s encrypt on an iis 7 Server running a asp.net website.
I’m using the client from Lonecoder: https://codeload.github.com/Lone-Coder/letsencrypt-win-simple/

The client tries to save some files in .well-known dir. Is there a way to rename this folder?

I can’t disable the authentication for this folder in iis because it starts with a dot.
I also can’t create this folder manually from windows explorer, seems like windows does not like folder names starting with a dot.


No, the protocol demands that name. I don’t know anything about IIS but other other people seem to have got working, search the forum a bit.

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Hello @Peters,

Regarding IIS I’ve no idea but regarding creation of dirs with dot at front, create it like this .well-known. (the last dot is important), Windows will create the folder and automatically will remove the last dot. Also you can create the folder from command line mkdir .well-known (from command line there is no need to add the last dot).


OK got the folder created, and authentication solved.
We use Forms authentication so i disabled it for this folder like this:

Then i created a web.config in ./well-known

<?xml version="1.0"?>

and changed the module order so that the staticFile Handler was positioned before Extensionless.

Now It Works.