Virtualamin - Installing SSL certificate

After creating a VPS and installed a domain I was trying to install the SSL certificate but getting into an error. I’m sure my DNS setup or the host list is probably not accurate since this is the first time I’m doing it. Maybe that’s where the issue is.

When I tried to install the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate from Virtualamin I’m getting this error. The file is actually available but the script doesn’t see it.

ValueError: Wrote file to /home/alessandrocancian/public_html/.well-known/acme-challenge/7mnZRTpeUrdYm1dBfGVXxCSHOzY-YARpe0NjXRCokJA, but couldn’t download

Any help would be appreciate it.

Hi @xFly

there is nothing visible.

Not Found

The requested URL /.well-known/acme-challenge/7mnZRTpeUrdYm1dBfGVXxCSHOzY-YARpe0NjXRCokJA: was not found on this server.

Thank you Juergen, I can see the file is there. the owner is root with a 644 permission. Would that be the problem? Sorry, just new to the all unmanaged VPS

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