I have looked else where on site but cannot find the information I need. I am trying to connect to a server using SSL. The server is using a Let’sEncypt root cert.
This is an embedded project using an STM32F407 and a CC3100. The CC3100 requires a DER encoded cert with I have downloaded from your site. I am using cipher SL_SEC_MASK_SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA and method SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_SSLV3. The error returned is -155 which is incorrect cert. Can anybody help with this? I have successfully connected to google dot com using a different cert.
Am I using the correct cipher SL_SEC_MASK_SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA ?
Am I using the correct method SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_SSLV3 ?
Has anybody used the letsencrypt DER encoded cert successfully?