Upgrade Win-Acme

I have win-acme installed in a windows box with version v2.1.2.641 (x64, ReleasePluggable) and I want to upgrade from v2.1.2.641 (x64, ReleasePluggable) to latest (v2.1.22.1289 (x64, ReleasePluggable).
Can i simply upgrade / jump from the version i have and the latest one right away or do I have to follow particular release path? if yes, what are the proper steps to upgrade?

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This question is probably better asked at a win-acme specific location. Please see win-acme for more info.


I've noted this on your github issue but in general you can refer to the upgrading section of the manual: win-acme however a 2.1.x minor version upgrade shouldn't be anything to worry about, especially if the latest release has been available for a while.

If you find yourself being worried about upgrades it implies you perhaps don't have a plan for recovery if other things went wrong (e.g. if your storage fails today, or your VM won't boot after a bad updates, what's your recovery plan). At a minimum you should be backing up the contents of C:\programdata\win-acme to save having to regenerate your configuration.


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