Update necessary when changing router?

Good morning.

I have just replaced my router, updated the internal IP, forwarding, etc., but navingating in a browser won’t complete.

Would my letsencrypt certificate require some kind of update to the new IP or other information for connections to be made?

Thank you.

My domain is:

I ran this command:
(tries to navigate to it in browser)

It produced this output:
(will not make a connection)

My web server is (include version):

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):

My hosting provider, if applicable, is:

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know):

I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel):


It seems to me that none of the ports are opening to outside.

Can you check your port forwarding is done correctly?

Thank you

Hi @shadowstreik

your certificate don't need an update. But you have to update your local configuration.

Actual, I can't load your website.

You might also want to make sure your external IP address hasn’t changed.

If you have/had a static IP and you changed your modem at the same time as your router (or they were the same device) your static IP might have been changed underneath you.

If you have a dynamic IP make sure you have set up dynamic DNS again with your new router.

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Hello. Yes, I checked on that and it had changed. I maintain my subdomains and made sure they were pointed at the corect physical location IP.

  I had an epiphany, this morning- "What if the router wouldn't work work with port forwarding with the main IP changed?" So, I rebuilt the network with the default. I'll have to rebuild the NextCloudPi instance and run a new letsencrypt cert because the software on it is locked to the older static IP. I've tried to get in to clear it, but I can't seem to. Not a big deal since I want to change a couple of settings and build setups, already.

Thank you though. I have it from here.

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