Unable to renew ssl certificate on synology

Everything was working fine and i have renewed my ssl certificate number of times before ...but this time when i wanted to renew my certificate. I got an error as following.. No response from destination server please try again later. From my side i did not change any settings i renewed my certificate number of times following same procedure. Traffic on port 80 and 443 on both is open. inbound outbound everything is open. I want to ask is this problem from my side or from lets encrypt or from network provider?

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If this is at home, make sure you are forwarding external tcp port 80 traffic through to the synology box. It has to be the synology box that responds to external http requests.

There is the chance that the error message is completely wrong, so if there is an internal log file you can access it's worth checking that.


Hello thank you for your response.. i am forwarding external tcp port 80 traffic through to the synology box by specifying my synology ip address. how can i check the log files for certificate ?because the log app which i have in synology shows nothing.. it only shows the new certificate added successfully for the last time i renewed which was 2 months ago


Sorry I've no idea, I don't have access to a synology device.

I assume you can browse to your device over http (not https), using your phone data (not your own wifi)? This would be a general connectivity test for external http access.


Yes i can access my device using my fone data over port 80 (http) as well as 443 (https). This is why i am unable to understand why this problem suddenly? because nothing has changed since i renewed my certificate 2 months ago using same procedure

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The other thing that happened recently is that the old Let's Encrypt root certificate expired, there could be something going on internally. It's worth raising this issue with Synology.


you are right ..i was using old synology version and what i have found is new root works with new updated version.. i was using 6.2.3-xxxxx but i can not renew i have to update it to 6.2.4-xxxxx update 2..
for refrence please look...


Great, once you get that updated it should be ok.


i have another question for you..i hope it does not sound stupid.. i am running some service on my synology like owncloud 10.4 and mariadb 10 ..Mqtt broker mosquito once i update do you think all are compatible with the new version 6.2.4-xxxxx update 2 ??i mean i do not want to mess up the whole service and reinstall everything ...

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Sorry I don't know enough about synology to help. "Semantic versioning" is the process of numbering updates, Major.Minor.Patch (e.g. 6.2.3) and the industry convention is that patch releases don't break anything, they just fix stuff. Of course, that's just the convention not necessarily the reality.


I appreciate your help thanks mate


the solution was to update to DSM 6.2.4-xxxxx update 2. everything works fine now


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