Ubuntu 16.04 PPA: How long until Certbot 0.22.0 available?

It goes to the next step ! Wonderful !
By the way, what is the dns-cloudflare, do I need to retrieve it (or is it in the certbot repository ?), how do I get it and where do I locate it ?

That is a plug-in that lets you automatically configure your DNS settings with cloudflare. There are also plugins to automatically configure the settings for DigitalOcean, DNSimple, DNS Made Easy, Google and more. They are part of the certbot repository.

You can also use manual mode but in that case you do not need to use a plug-in.

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For those who want to do it manually (without plugin) and are kind of lost, here’s the command to execute once you’ve arrived to the “source venv/bin/activate” step :
1 - replace by your values and run : sudo env “PATH=$PATH” certbot certonly --server “https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory” --manual --preferred-challenges dns -w /path/to/your/project -d “yourdomain.com” -d "*.yourdomain.com"
2 - After completing a few steps, you’ll have to add a key to your DNS (If you’re under OVH, go to the OVH manager to manager). This entry needs to be of type TXT, the domain should be _acme-challenge.yourdomain.com and the value should contain the key
3 - Certbot will ask you to repeat step 2 with another key
4 - Congratulations ! Your certificate is generated !

Package: certbot
Version: 0.22.2-1+ubuntu16.04.1+certbot+1

They did it!

:tada: :tada: :tada:


Fantastic job! Let me start to issue my first-ever wildcard certificate!


I just updated to certbot 0.22.2 via the xenial ppa, but the dns plugins seem to be missing:

% certbot plugins

* nginx
Description: Nginx Web Server plugin - Alpha
Interfaces: IAuthenticator, IInstaller, IPlugin
Entry point: nginx = certbot_nginx.configurator:NginxConfigurator

* standalone
Description: Spin up a temporary webserver
Interfaces: IAuthenticator, IPlugin
Entry point: standalone = certbot.plugins.standalone:Authenticator

* webroot
Description: Place files in webroot directory
Interfaces: IAuthenticator, IPlugin
Entry point: webroot = certbot.plugins.webroot:Authenticator

Is there a separate plugin package to install? I couldn’t find an obvious one.

If it is just not in the repository yet, that is fine.

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The DNS plugins are not in the repository yet. Trying to make that happen as soon as I can.

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Ok. Just checking since it seemed to be working for others. Thanks.

Done with 1st ever wildcard certificate! Check this out: https://dancedancedance.murakamiharuki.cn

How can I get this new update including the DNS plugins into my Ubuntu Trusty installs?

This is what I currently have installed.

certbot 0.22.2-1+ubuntu14.04.1+certbot+1

You need to install them separately, just like certbot.

So, just do sudo apt-get install certbot-dns-DNS_SERVICE.

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Thanks for the info, however I’m using Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) When I do a search of the apt-cache I get the following only.

apt-cache search certbot
letsencrypt - transitional dummy package
certbot - automatically configure HTTPS using Let’s Encrypt
python-certbot-apache-doc - Apache plugin documentation for Certbot
python-certbot-apache - transitional dummy package
python-certbot-nginx-doc - Nginx plugin documentation for Certbot
python-certbot-nginx - transitional dummy package
python3-certbot - main library for certbot
python3-certbot-nginx - Nginx plugin for Certbot
python3-certbot-apache - Apache plugin for Certbot

How can I get access to certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy for my version of Ubuntu?

My bad, I assumed since certbot 0.22.1 was available that the plugins were also finally made available. Currently, it seems the plugins are only available via the Docker image and on RHEL-based distros.

hi all, any updates?

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can you please post an example of cloudflare ini file? Thanks in advance.

Hey all!

It looks like certbot 0.22 has hit Ubuntu now, but DNS plugins haven’t?

I was able to get a wildcard cert generated using Docker (there is sort of some documentation on CertBot’s website about it, albeit slightly disconnected, and with some strongly cautioning/discouraging wording…)

I was not however able to get the Route53 (AWS’s DNS service) plugin to work to automate it, and had to do the DNS verification manually - so at the moment, I’m going to have to come back and deal with this again next year.

I just wanted to let people know that I found this script that someone linked on Twitter when Lets Encrypt announced wildcard certs:

I wish I had found that from the get go, as it looks easier/more streamlined than using Docker - and like I said, I wasn’t familiar enough with how Docker works to get it working with the DNS plugin I needed. This looks like a solid option though, and it looks to have well documented DNS support.

Hope this helps people in the meantime until certbot catches up.


Are you using the PPA?

so at the moment, I’m going to have to come back and deal with this again next year.

I may be misinterpreting what you've said here, but it sounds like you're expecting the wildcard certs you obtained through the manual authentication process to last a year. The certs issued by certbot are only good for 90 days though.

Apologies if I've misinterpreted what you've said.

Thanks for posting the shell script solution!

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Oh man. Duh!! Thank you so much for reminding me! Much appreciated!

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