Too many certificates issued

Ran into a problem loading non www for https on my small website. It runs through Cloudflare, but seems that conf.d/ssl.conf was getting called for https instead of the ssl virtualhost that certbot setup in sites-available (and this was included in normal conf/httpd.conf

Anyway, during troubleshooting, Ive had to clear all certbot and attempt to reinstall. Now I am getting an error to say too many requests of a given type for my domains, too many certs issued in 168 hours.

Is there any way around this? The site is now without https and Im worried I'll have to wait days before trying setup again



Welcome to the Let's Encrypt Community :slightly_smiling_face:

Unfortunately, you've hit the duplicate certificate rate limit. Going forward, when troubleshooting you should be reinstalling your existing certificate. You can check to see how long it will be until you can generate another certificate based on the Not Before dates on the listed certificates. Keep in mind that your certificates are listed in pairs with the first certificate of each pair being a real, leaf certificate and the second certificate of each pair being a precertificate.


using the staging system (not the production system).


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