" The requested dns-route53 plugin does not appear to be installed."

@bmw, thanks. I’ll look over the Docker notes and see if I’m feeling brave enough to go down that road. Using the “broken” EPEL makes me nervous, mostly because I don’t have the background to know what else will “–skip-broken” on upgrade if I do that and what its implications are. I’m not a sysadmin, just a developer, and not a Python dev so all this stuff is Greek to me. (for anyone reading this from external, I’m referring to the issues in EPEL on CentOS 7 described here: Dependencies broken in EPEL, certbot-dns-route53, CentOS 7)

@schoen, I’ve copy and pasted your questions to AWS into the support ticket. In case someone from Amazon happens upon this thread in the future, it’s Case ID 6336573661. I’ll let you know what I hear back.