"The certificate is not valid" on cpanel

Please make very certain that you're exactly following the instructions that I wrote. In particular, check to be sure you've done this:

15. Select your domain name in the drop-down list.

There are three certificates in certificate.crt in this order:

  1. Your leaf certificate signed by R3
  2. R3 signed by ISRG Root X1
  3. ISRG Root X1 signed by DST Root CA X3

When we say "your certificate", we mean the first certificate in that list.

When we say "CA bundle" or "intermediate certificates", we mean the second and third certificates in that list.

We we say "the full certificate chain", we mean all the certificates in that list.

For the certificate box, you should only paste the first certificate from certificate.crt into the box.

For the CA bundle box, you can choose to do any one of the following:

  • Leave the box blank to let cPanel fill it in
  • Paste only the second certificate from certificate.crt into the box to use the "short chain"
  • Paste both the second and third certificates from certificate.crt into the box to use the "long chain"

The first choice is usually the best. The second choice usually produces the same effect as the first choice. The third choice can be problematic with some versions of cPanel.